Land Pollution Is Not The Solution
Rishit Podder
Land Pollution
Land Pollution
We talk about water and air pollution all the time but land pollution as well as a big impact on the environment as it is continuously polluted and vulnerable. Land pollution simply means degradation of the earth’s surface as a result of human activities like mining, littering, deforestation, industrial, construction and agricultural activities. Land pollution can have a huge environmental impact in the form of air pollution and soil pollution which in turn can have an adverse effect on human health. There are many causes of land pollution, but the main concern is deforestation and soil erosion. Deforestation results in dry land which mean that it can never be fertile again. The problem with that is that the land will eventually become unstable for farming and other crops. In addition, the land will also become polluted by heavy metals such as lead and mercury. It is estimated that over 50 percent of all earth's surface water has been polluted by these pollutants, and they are responsible for more than half of global emissions. The effects of deforestation are devastating. The destruction of forests, wildlife habitats and ecosystems is a major threat to our planet. The damage caused by deforestation is irreversible.
Another main cause of land pollution is agricultural activities. Our population has been increasing constantly over the last decade, resulting in the demand for food to increase. Farmers use highly toxic chemicals to get rid of the insects and bacteria off their crops. Too much of anything is never good, when these chemicals are being overused, they result in contaminating the soil. It is estimated that about 1 million people living in the United States who suffer from this problem of land pollution. The effects of this problem are devastating to our ecosystem and to our health. The environmental protection agency reports that more than one-third of all U.S. water supplies are polluted by industrial waste; this includes oil, gas, and other pollutants.
There are many more ways that we have seen that can lead to land pollution such as Overcrowded landfill, Nuclear waste, and Sewage Treatments. Land pollution impacts our environment and our health in a huge way. When deforestation is committed, the trees covering over the other plants is compromised, leading to an imbalance of water that plants get. Trees and plants help balance the atmosphere, and without them, we are subject to many concerns such as global warming, the greenhouse effect, irregular rainfall, and many more disasters. We must take action to stop this problem and protect our natural resources from further destruction.
What are some solutions to help prevent land pollution?
How can we get our community to understand how this has been negatively impacting us?