Pollution Solutions
Isaac Chiang
In today’s society, it is no longer uncommon for anyone to own a car. As more and more cars are produced and resold, the opportunity for individuals to purchase one becomes easier and easier. However, it comes to no surprise that the increase in automobile usage has propelled the release of carbon monoxide (CO) and have littered the air with harmful pollution. In this article, I have chosen to focus my attention on a specific location with an excessive amount of automobile pollution, New Delhi, India.
In today’s society, it is no longer uncommon for anyone to own a car. As more and more cars are produced and resold, the opportunity for individuals to purchase one becomes easier and easier. However, it comes to no surprise that the increase in automobile usage has propelled the release of carbon monoxide (CO) and have littered the air with harmful pollution. In this article, I have chosen to focus my attention on a specific location with an excessive amount of automobile pollution, New Delhi, India.
Cars and motorbikes under heavy smog in New Delhi, India
In the image above, you can see the heavy smog that pollutes modern day New Delhi. With India’s already massive population of 1.34 billion, the amount of traffic that workers and citizens face everyday adds to the smog in the air as stalling a car will produce way more carbon than driving at a moderate speed. The hours of traffic that clog India’s streets creates a massive generation of air pollution and ruins the oxygen that the inhabitants must breathe in.
In an effort to reduce the amount of pollution in the air, the Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was passed in 1981 and had been notable for its benefit. However, in 2016, India was ranked 141 out of 180 countries by the Environmental Perfoermance Index. Even in its efforts to reduce air pollution, India still faces some of the worst air quality and releases some of the heaviest amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
What then, can be done for the millions of inhabitants in India who inhale toxic chemicals each day and what solutions can be brought forth to reduce air pollution? Should scientists focus on creating anti pollution instruments? Or should efforts be made to reduce the burning of fossil fuels in automobiles?